Transitions Rehabilitation Florida offers affordable, reality-based alcohol and drug addiction treatment. They are a state-licensed dual diagnosis treatment service provider and nationally accredited. Located in North Miami Beach, Florida, they have treatment facilities for those suffering from alcohol and drug addiction. The company was founded in 1985 to offer affordable, reality-based care for those with alcohol and drug addiction.
Treatment Programs For People Struggling With Addiction
Transitions Recovery offers residential and day treatment programs for people struggling with addiction. The residential treatment provides more structure than outpatient care, but still allows patients to continue with their daily activities. The flexible day treatment program offers patients the best of both worlds, while also ensuring maximum confidentiality and safety. At Transitions Recovery, the day treatment environment provides a supportive, relaxed environment where patients can work on their recovery while also pursuing everyday activities.
Transitions Rehabilitation’s team includes a certified speech pathologist, who has more than 35 years of experience in the healthcare industry. She holds a Masters in Speech Pathology and a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Disorders. She has a special interest in neurological disorders and has been trained in Vital Stim and Amp Care, both of which use electrical stimulation to promote healthy speech and swallowing. She previously worked in home health, hospitals, and nursing homes and has extensive clinical experience with neurological disorders.
Transitions Recovery Program’s team specializes in treating chemical dependency with compassion and expertise. They offer support for both patients and family members. They offer group counseling, individual counseling, and behavioral therapy. Their treatment programs are designed to help clients overcome their addiction and become productive members of society. They also have family support groups and social activities for patients to attend.